Struggling to Generate Enough High Value Clients Consistently?

Today’s 2-Minute Marketing Tip: Tactical vs Strategic Marketing

Sound familiar?

  • Do you start out every month wondering where your next paying client is going to come from? 
  • Do you secretly know that the Coaching and Consulting services you provide are worth a lot more than you’re currently charging, but you feel reluctant to charge more because you’re afraid that if you do, clients will stop buying?
  • The amount of time that you’re putting into your business doesn’t seem to match the amount of money that you’re earning or you’re burning yourself out?
  • You’re spending so much time, money, and effort on marketing that isn’t working and you’re scrambling for clients instead of actually helping them?

If any of the above resonates with you, this series is for you. I’ll be writing a series of short articles, 2-Minute Marketing Tips, to help you get your business on track.

Today’s episode is on Tactical vs Strategic Marketing.

When clients come to me with challenges like those above, they’re often looking and asking for a sexy new marketing tactic, a magic pill. If only….

In lieu of a magic pill, what do you do? Let’s start with the vital difference between tactical and strategic marketing.

Tactical marketing are things like placing online ads, social media, SEO, joining a networking group, attending trade shows, essentially a marketing medium.

Strategic marketing is how powerful and compelling your messaging is, the message.

What’s more important? (cue drumroll…)

WHAT you say and HOW you say it, are almost always more important than WHERE you say it. In short, strategic marketing wins the game. Many marketing tactics can be effective, if your messaging is right.

Think of it like this —

Has anyone ever caught your eye at a restaurant or club and you think to yourself:

“Wow! I’m interested in that person.”

And then you talked to that person and WHAT they said and/or HOW they said it, immediately killed your interest?

Conversely, have you ever had a conversation with someone you barely noticed and then when they spoke to you, you were immediately interested, because of what they said and how they said it?

This is the difference between tactical and strategic marketing.

In future 2-Minute Marketing Tips, we’ll discuss ways to implement this into your marketing.

To Your Success!


P.S. I’ve put together a free video in which I walk you through a custom, Done-For-You Client Generation System that’ll allow you to Generate 5, 10, 15+ High Paying Coaching or Consulting Clients Each Month.

You can click on the link below to go check it out. Do it now while you’re thinking about it.

Inside the video you’ll learn…

1. The single biggest mistake that most coaches and consultants make when it comes to attracting high paying clients

2. The two critical systems that coaches and consultants who generate high 5, 6 and 7 figures have present in their business and the unsuccessful ones do not

3. The simple, proven 2 step system that generates leads and clients consistently and predictably and how you can put this to work

Click on the link below to go watch it.

#AmericanGirl made a doll based on my mom!

After a lot of hush-hush planning and Non Disclosure Agreements, we can finally proudly announce that American Girl is releasing a doll based on my mom!

This is Nanea, who was based on my mom’s life, growing up in Hawaii and witnessing the Pearl Harbor attack as a child. Her mother had a hula studio, where my mom learned to dance.










This is a photo of my mom with 2 of my nieces. Here’s a link to the story on







Lessons I Learned from Kim Kardashian

Today we’ll talk about shameless self-promotion. That’s right, I said it! Shameless! After all, we are learning from Kim Kardashian here.

It’s all about self-promotion! Self-promotion comes in many forms and you can use different tactics to get your name out there. Look at politicians! Talk about self-promotion and in some not so discreet ways, at that. But, seriously, consider some of the major superstars we all know. Madonna, Howard Stern, Lady Gaga and Chris Brown, just to name a few.

We all self promote. Did you raise your hand in class to show the teacher you knew the answer? Of course! That’s self-promotion. This is the kind of self-promotion we are talking about. With dignity, class and the knowledge to back it up. If you self-promote only to prove you don’t really know what you’re talking about, you’re going to lose business.

Natural self-promoters are the former and I want to tell you about the three major traits they have and use to build themselves and their businesses.

The first is position. You need to position yourself around people who can make a difference in your life. You need to do this frequently. You need to wake up every morning and ask yourself “Who can I meet today who will make a difference in my success?” In fact, go a step further, write it in big, bold letters and tape it on your bathroom mirror.

Also consider:

Who can help me meet my goals?

Is it a prospective client? A colleague with contacts? An association with key members who may become prospects?

Don’t settle into interacting with the people who are the easiest to access. You need to reach outside your comfort zone and there you will find a wealth of new connections that will bring you great success.

Now, let’s talk about Style. No, this doesn’t mean you need an Armani suit to bring in more business (though, let’s be honest-it wouldn’t hurt) J What this really means is how are you different from your competitors and others in your industry. What makes you memorable with customers?

If you are meeting a lot of people and they don’t remember you once you leave the room, you have a serious problem! This means you have an opportunity to present yourself in a more memorable way.

There are lots of little subtle changes you can make. Reassess your:

Business cards
Company message
Your picture
Your wording

Maybe even, your hairstyle (of course, now we’re back to the expensive suit, but it really works!)

You get the idea. There are lots of little ways you can work on making your image and business more successful. Also, consider how you sound on the phone and how you greet people at meetings or other events. Think about your 30-sec elevator speech.

The third trait of natural promoters is repetition. You can’t say it once and leave it at that. Successful self-promoters say it as many times as they need until they get a response. Would you remember a commercial for Coca-Cola if you only saw it once, no! You see it over and over and eventually you head out to the store.

You, also, have to make multiple impressions on those you are networking with in order to build brand awareness. Repetition is in direct connection with positioning. Once you find people to network with, reach out and find hundreds more who can help in your success as well.